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How to set background image size in CSS?

You must enter your image format next to the image name. CSS Background image size is the size of your image and it is used to specify background image size that is width and height of the background image. We can control the width and height of the background image by using CSS background-size property.

How to make a picture fit on a screen in CSS?

If you give a width of 100px or 100%, the height will be definitely 100px or 100% because the browser calculated based on the aspect ratio. You can make your image fit on the screen by using the cover value in the CSS background-size property. It also fits the portrait image, but the image looks bigger. So you use the landscape image.

What if the background size is contain or cover?

If the background-size is contain or cover: While preserving its intrinsic proportions, the image is rendered at the largest size contained within, or covering, the background positioning area. If the image has no intrinsic proportions, then it's rendered at the size of the background positioning area.

How to scale an image up in the background?

On the other end of the spectrum, you can scale an image up in the background. Here we scale a 32x32 pixel favicon to 300x300 pixels: As you can see, the CSS is actually essentially identical, save the name of the image file. Besides values, the background-size CSS property offers two special size values, contain and cover.

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